As the world changes, so do the habits of private flyers. We have in the past discussed the rise of private jet usage by those who would otherwise travel commercial – issues of cross-contamination, PPE or simply too many people in a relatively confined space. These concerns changed the buying habits of a key demographic.
However, it would be remiss not to look outside of that scope – more specifically to tomorrow’s flyers.
The millennial generation are looking to private jet travel for a variety of reasons, mostly linked to the hyper-consumer-led lifestyle they project on social media platforms. This reflects the times in which we live, an image can be taken, uploaded and shared quicker than we can say, “cheese!’.
However, it’s all fine taking a photo, but private jet travel is still the premium way to fly, which attracts the premium level of cost. Therefore, the millennial generation are more inclined to explore ride-sharing options. Rather than paint a picture of a group of strangers travelling together, it has long been noted that for those on the cusp of affording private jet travel, combining the trip with colleagues, family members or friends can make the travel more affordable.
The millennial generation are more eco-driven with a green conscience, enquiries made to Volanteus often question our eco-credentials, with which our work with Pachama provides comfort and evidence based proof of our commitment – more details can be found here.
Pachama is essentially a verified way to offset your carbon footprint. The organisation curate a list of forest projects, ensuring they follow international standards for carbon credits. Pachama checks these projects to ensure they are protecting real carbon in old-growth trees or growing ones, so there’s accountability to the entire process.
The private jet industry has long been a focus for green campaigners to use us as a target for their ire. As this focus remains upon us, we have found the industry is keen to openly acknowledge its carbon portfolio and make more efforts to balance this footprint.
It’s also important to note that it’s not only millennials who are committed to a balanced, eco-friendly approach when using private jet travel. Many UK and Global corporates we work with subscribe to the same environmentally friendly values, and understand the significance of our Pachama partnership. The responsibility of ensuring the generations that come after us benefit from changes we make now, is a fundamental theme of the work here at Volanteus as we strive for carbon neutrality.
Lastly, the focus on experience transcends buying decisions. At Volanteus from initial enquiry, to FBO and onboarding – it’s an experience of unparalleled comfort and luxury. Our clients are provided with the very best levels of customer service, a reputation and track record that precedes us.
Quite Simple.